Puddle Buster Mantel

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$‌83.00 - $‌89.00 Jetzt: $‌69.00 Spare: 17%
inkl. MwSt.

FARBE: Watermelon Pegasus

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Bestellungen über €125 Kostenlose Standardlieferung

Bestellungen über €125 Kostenlose Standardlieferung


Kein kleiner Abenteurer sollte sein Zuhause ohne seine wasserdichte Jacke verlassen. Unsere meistverkauften Puddle Busters sind bereit für leichten Regen, sintflutartige Schauer und alles dazwischen! Mit vollständig versiegelten Nähten, die den Regen draußen halten, bleibt dein kleiner Entdecker trocken. Dehnbare Bündchen und das polarweich gefütterte Innenfutter sorgen dafür, dass sie warm und gemütlich bleiben. Diese Kinderjacke hat einen praktischen Reißverschluss mit Klettverschluss vorne, der das An- und Ausziehen kinderleicht macht. Die 3-teilige Kapuze mit elastischer Vorderseite sorgt für bessere Sichtbarkeit.

Liebe den Planeten, auf dem du spielst! Diese Jacke besteht aus recyceltem Plastik, das nach dem Gebrauch wiederverwendet wurde, und hilft, eine bessere Zukunft zu schaffen, indem alte Materialien neues Leben erhalten.

Produktcode: OWA205



Was macht sie besonders:

  • Hauptmaterial: Hergestellt aus 100% recyceltem Polyester mit einer PU-Beschichtung
  • Kapuze & Innenfutter: Hergestellt aus 100% superweichem, recyceltem Polyester-Polares Fleece
  • Fluorocarbon- und PFC-frei
  • Vollständig versiegelte Nähte
  • Ungefüttert, perfekt für Frühlingsschauer und sintflutartige Regenfälle!
  • Wasserdichtigkeit: 10.000 HH
  • In lustigen und bunten Frugi-Designs
  • Weitergeben: Etikett am Nacken mit Platz für drei Namen!
  • 3-teilige, elastische Kapuze
  • Elastische Bündchen
  • Voller Reißverschluss
  • Kinnschutz
  • Storm Placket mit weichem Klettverschluss
  • Zwei praktische Taschen mit Sturmklappen
  • Reflektierende Printdetails
  • Ärmel-Innenfutter für leichtes Anziehen
  • Abgerundeter Saum
  • Praktische Aufhänge-Schlaufe
  • Maschinenwaschbar bei 30 Grad
  • Liebe den Planeten, auf dem du spielst

Pflegehinweise für deinen Puddle Buster:

  • Wasche bei 30 Grad: Spüle den Schmutz ab und wasche dann bei maximal 30º
  • Eco-Waschmittel verwenden: Verwende biologisch abbaubares Eco-Waschmittel, um die Farben frisch zu halten. Vermeide Weichspüler
  • Zum Trocknen aufhängen: Hänge die Frugi-Jacke zum Trocknen auf, auf links gedreht. Niemals im Trockner trocknen

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Bestellungen über €100 Kostenlose Standardlieferung

Bestellungen über €100 Kostenlose Standardlieferung

Bewertungen & Rezensionen

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1-10 von 3 Bewertungen
     Cayley Tipler • 11 days ago
Customer Size: 4-5 years
Colour: Puffin Puddles Size: 5-6 years
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Bought for a 5 year old whose 3-4 coat still fits but is getting a little short on the arms. I bought age 5-6 and it fits great with plenty of growing room. Will last a good couple of years. His last frugi coat has lasted 2 and looks new when it isn’t covered in mud. That isn’t a puddle buster though, it was the Pegasus design with a straight hood. Hopefully this one is the same quality!

     Joy Thompson • 130 days ago
Colour: Watermelon Pegasus Size: 2-3 years
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This is a Christmas present for my granddaughter so it hasn’t been worn yet but overall, it looks lovely with a great bright pattern and true to the description on your website.

     Linsey Cornwell • 327 days ago
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We bought this in the sale. Good quality raincoat with a vivid fleecy teal coloured lining that keeps them warmer in spring and autumn that thinner raincoats. A bit glossier than appears in pictures but happy with it.

     Wendy Etherington • 329 days ago
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I ordered this for my granddaughter and she absolutely loves it. Great design and styling and perfect for wet Scottish weather. And bought in the sale so even better. Love this jacket

     Trish Bayley • 329 days ago
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The giraffe design on this lovely coat just makes it perfect. The little girl loves giraffe's & lives near Chester zoo where one has been born. Well made & it has a warm lining. Bought in the sale which makes it perfect.

     Louisa Higby • 333 days ago
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Absolutely love these coats.. I buy them for nieces, nephews, friends kids… they are always a total hit with parents and their kiddos! They are fab quality, really robust and eco friendly too!! Would highly recommend!

     Chloe Forster • 357 days ago
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We love these coats - we’re just onto our third one! They are excellent quality and really do keep the water out, as well as being nicely lined to keep them warm. My son loves the brightly coloured prints (and I love that he’s always easy to spot in the park); we had the yellow giraffes this year and got so many compliments! Please never stop making these ☺️

     Karen Hogg • 364 days ago
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I got this coat for my daughter as part of her birthday, she absolutely loves it! I love that it is actually waterproof. I got this at the reduced price of $‌36.00 (could be wrong, xertainly less than $‌43.00), i assume this is because it is last seasons style but it os still a lovely coat. The elasticated hood and cuffs are another of my favourite features, as unlike many of the previous coats i bought the hood actually stays up and sleeves arent getting wet. I would recommend this coat to eveyone, so much so that i got my friends wee boy the dinosaur one too.

Thank you for your review, great to hear you are loving the Puddle Buster Coat. Kindest regards Frugi Team

     Vicky • 384 days ago
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My son is picky with coats so I bought in the sale to avoid lining the cupboard with yet another item he refuses to wear! However, he picked the pattern online and wanted to try it as soon as it arrived. He's also worn it every day since - result! It's light, has a nice fleece guard stopping the zip from irritating his chin and looks lovely on. I love the brand, value, quality etc so would pay full price next time.

Thank you for your review. We are pleased to read your Son was delighted with his Puddle Buster Coat Kind regards, Frugi Team

     Angela Montague-mead • 392 days ago
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Lovely design and fit. My son loves this coat

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